Demi manfaat ILMU, kita Bertemu dan Bertamu...

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Nilai stem 30 sen..

Inilah sebahagian dari kepentingan penterjemahan data; membuat unjuran pada populasi yang lebih besar seterusnya dibuatkan wajaran dari segi kebaikan dan juga ketidak adilan.

Saya menerima surat peringatan dari LHDN beberapa minggu lepas...mengingatkan bahawa sistem manual tidak lagi digunakan; pengguna boleh terus menggunakan sistem online (yang telahpun saya gunakan sejak dua tahun lalu).

Ketika itu tidak terfikir pula betapa tingginya kos stem ke atas surat-surat yang dihantar kepada semua pengguna. Kos sebanyak lebih RM sejuta untuk menampung surat tak perlu ini boleh membeli 38,480 kampit beras 10kg....

Ini merupakan sebahagian dari petikan dalam The Star hari ini:

What a waste of our money, IRB

I HAVE been a taxpayer for the last 25 years. About three years ago, I started using the e-Filing system to pay tax. All went well and I knew from then that the Inland Revenue Board (IRB) would not be sending tax forms to us.

This year, the IRB sent out forms to the three million taxpayers informing them that no forms will be sent to them. If each letter costs 30 sen, the IRB would have spent an estimated RM900,000 just on postage. Take in the costs of paper, envelope and manpower, it would easily be about RM1mil.

This is a waste of taxpayers’ money. It would have been cheaper to advertise or inform taxpayers through the employers or national television. This could have saved quite a bit of the cost incurred in this process. Only Pos Malaysia, a government-linked company, would have benefited from this exercise. Can the powers-that-be in IRB explain this decision?

Kuala Lumpur.

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